by Jeanne Beard | Jun 13, 2017 | Blog
I don’t have a university issued PhD, although I often wish I did; sometimes I even beat myself up for not knowing more. Yet in many ways, I know so much more than those educated PhD’s, who have no idea (ok maybe they have theoretical knowledge, but no personally... by Jeanne Beard | Jun 1, 2017 | Blog
As our understanding of autism grows, we adapt our methods of relating and communicating to better suit our autistic loved one’s understanding of the world. Because those individuals with autism are not receiving and integrating social information like the rest of us,... by Jeanne Beard | May 23, 2017 | Blog
Autism takes many forms, and is very misunderstood in the general population. The old stereotype of a child, rocking in a corner, unable to speak or function still comes to mind for many. I see this in the faces of people when I tell them that my son is autistic.... by Jeanne Beard | May 12, 2017 | Blog
One of the biggest mistakes we make as parents of children on the autism spectrum is to cling to unrealistic beliefs about our child’s future. It is such a tightrope walk! On the one hand, lowering our expectations (along with revising our hopes and dreams for our... by Jeanne Beard | Apr 3, 2017 | Blog
As a parent, finding our way to acceptance of this invader in our life, autism, is a tricky path to walk. We tend to hold out hope that things will be better once… (fill in the blank with “…he gets through special kindergarten and can go to regular first grade…” or... by Jeanne Beard | Mar 24, 2017 | Blog
Being a parent of a child on the spectrum is a very emotional experience for most of us. Before the autism is diagnosed, we frantically try to make life work, and often find that we aggravated the pain and frustration more than calm it. None of us wants to push our...